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Constellation Work

Allowing acceptance and resolution

Have you ever wondered why you keep having same or similar problems no matter what you do, no matter what therapy or alternative counseling/healing you have tried? Have you ever wondered why you keep re-attracting same or similar life circumstances that contain same or similar painful dynamics for you? Or do you keep having same or similar problems in your partnership, friendship or family life even though you truly care for the other people? Or do you have the feeling that you cannot connect with the people and the world around you? And most of all would you like to break unhealthy patterns and relate more effectively with friends, colleagues, family members and your partner?

The origin of many of those 'never ending' dynamics can be traced back to unresolved issues within your family of origin and/or within previous relationships of yours. Constellation Work (Systemic Constellation)  is a powerful transformational methodology that brings fundamental change at the personal, partnership, family, group and professional level. Often in a matter of hours, days or some weeks that would take years using traditional means. In Constellation Work the focus is on detecting energetic identifications or entanglements with unresolved issues of previous generations of the family system and/or previous partnerships. Those energetic entanglements that many of us carry are so close to us that we identify them as a part of our individuality even though they are not. Origin Healing Work helps to effectively release those identifications and entanglements for the life of the individual come to its true potential and strength.

When the natural expression of love and acceptance among the individual members of a family or partnership system is blocked, violated or suppressed the entire system will begin to manifest diverse forms of emotional or physical distortions. The origins of these distortions will unknowingly be repeated by individual family members born after the time they occurred. The reason for such a repetition is the family member subconsciously identifies with the previous generation who initiated the distortion. This member's identification brings with it the unconscious intent of healing the genetic memory/distortion in order to restore love and acceptance within the family system.

Ulrich Bold's Constellation Workshop helps participants clarify and release their energetic identifications or entanglements. With his healing insights he guides you to a place of acceptance, forgiveness and love of what is and what has been. This is especially effective when issues of mistrust, fear or grief are the obstacles to movement. Concrete shifts in your emotional and physical bodies will result in a renewed perspective, which will allow you to make invaluable steps toward a healthier life.

For upcoming Constellation Workshops, please, check the EVENT calendar and contact the local organizer for further information.

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