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by Ulrich Bold

A personal consultation based on the symbolism and its evolutionary language within your horoscope brings deep inner understanding and emotional support to how you live or how you want to live.

From that inner strength you will start a deeper approach to your life while you can release old emotional burdens and antique thoughts and judgments. It can support you in making your decisions based on, 'Yes' when you mean 'Yes', and 'No' when you mean 'No'. You will find it is 'okay' to be who you are, and embrace the challenges where you want to improve. Individual orientations are one of the gifts of an evolutionary astrology consultation.

Ulrich Bold for over 22 years a professional counselor with Evolutionary Astrology offers personal consultations on the phone or in person.

The consultation takes maximum 1.5 hours for $ 180 and will be recored for you. You only have to provide your birth information, date, time, place, before the appointment and your questions at the appointment. It is usually helpful to write the questions down for the reading. Ulrich will have a conversation with responding to every question based on the evolutionary dynamics in your birth horoscope. He also applies transits and progressions for support in your current life circumstances and your further evolutionary directions.

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